Country: Italy
Region: Tuscany
Depth: 1 -40 meters
Difficulty: Easy
Diving center: Punta Ala
Date: July 24 2021
My rating: 5/10
My second dive was not up to par with the first. Thanks to the favorable weather conditions, flat sea and bright sun, we were finally able to go to the Island of Elba. The position chosen by the diving club for the first dive was Punta Le Forbici, at the southern end of the east coast of the Island of Elba; it is a dive above a landslide of large stone boulders that degrades to a depth of about 40 meters; the visibility was great, the water was warm, there wasn't any current, the presence of large boulders should be the prerequisite for seeing some hidden fauna, but we simply had no luck; a small redfish, a grouper just glimpsed by the divemaster but immediately disappeared before we had time to see it, a few starfish and a few sea urchins, that's all ... In front of the landslide there is a high promontory, visible at the beginning of the video, that rises from the seabed to about 20 meters deep, which I could not explore as OW, which probably offers some more sightings. Mindful of my experience with the eagle ray on the previous dive I constantly kept an eye "into the blue" but this time I had no luck ...