Why The IntroverTraveler? Basically, I wanted to find a name for this blog; it had to be funny, original but also it had to set the mood for what you're going to find here; as a matter of fact, I am an introvert indeed, and I love to travel (when I can...). Being an introvert changes my perception of the world and my passions; in this blog you won't find any advice about the loudest club in Ibiza or the steepest ski track in Europe. I love quiet places, slow traveling, art, photography, books. In this blog you will find many quotations from books and perhaps some thoughtful thinking that some may find boring and idle, but being an introvert often means being prone to overthinking...
Did I say I'm an art lover? Well, guess what? I am Italian. I don't know if I like art because I was born in Italy or I'm just lucky because being an art lover and being born in Italy is like being a surf lover and being born in the Hawaii; anyway, in this blog you will find many posts about Italy and art; as I said, I love to travel, but i cannot do it as much as I'd love to; so I will post often about Italy and art, and that's for a couple of reasons; first thing, if I want to keep the blog alive, I can't wait for my next travel (it might take months); second thing, I know one thing or two about Italy and art and I'd like to share them with the world; 99% of what you can find on line about Italy is about "Venice the city of love", the Sistine Chapel and pizza, but there's much, much, much, more than that... of course. I'd like to share with the rest of the world the hidden gems of Italy and the endless off the beaten path places that can be found in Italy. What I would like to do, if I succeed in my aim, is to talk to those people that are not easily pleased by a shallow scratch of the surface.
Showing Italy to the world means that I have to write in english; I hope that my english is good enough, but sometimes I may sound like Joe Pesci in some Martin Scorsese's movie... sorry about that.
Travelling can be done for the sake of art, looking for natural beauties, food, but also for sport. I happen to be a golfer, so every now and then I will post a review of a golf course in Italy or worldwide. I am also a scuba diver, so I will post about the best diving spots in Italy and elsewhere.
Have fun, travel a lot!